Preparing a project for filming

If you plan to capture new footage for your project rather than drawing existing content from your library, you can plan ahead by creating your shot list and script in Wrappt before jumping on your phone to film using the Wrappt App.

How to prepare a project for filming

Here’s how:

  1. Open or create your draft project
  2. Select 'Add shot'
  3. Click on the shot to open the shot screen
  4. Rename your shot at the top of the shot screen
  5. Write notes to yourself in the 'Filming instructions' section to help you capture the right footage
  6. If you plan on using the teleprompter, paste your script for each shot into the 'Script' section of your shot screen
  7. Repeat this process to add as many shots as you need
  8. Re-order your shots into the order you will be filming them in, to help speed up the filming process (you can always reorder them again for your editor once you’ve finished filming)


    Filming instructions are only visible to you and are there to help you while filming. Do not put instructions for how the video should be edited in a shot's Filming Instructions. This information needs to be added to your Editor Notes.

[Tip: Your projects are automatically saved as draft, so once you’ve finished adding your shots, you can jump off the computer and straight onto your phone to begin filming]

Related FAQs

Q. I want to prepare a project but have my colleague do the filming, can I do this?

A: Admins and Owners of your account have full access to contribute to any project. The easiest way to allow someone else to edit your video is to change the owner of the video (you can do this from the main project page)

Q. Can I create a project entirely in the App?

A: Yes you can! Just be aware that some features aren’t available in the App, including the trimming tool and Other Files upload, so it’s best to jump back on the computer after filming to finalise your project before submitting.

What's next?


Your shots are now all ready to be filmed! Check out Wrappt's filming tools such as the filming app and film kit to make this process simple and easy.

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