Using public video templates

Writer's block can be rough when planning your next video. Wrappt video templates help provide you with a blueprint for success so you can start creating sooner.

Each template shows you the shots, structure and instructions to create a video that links directly to your business goals.

What's in a template?

Story structure

Creating a meaningful and engaging video is about more than just getting the right type of shots. Building the right story is key to establishing a connection with your audience.

Use story structures like the one below to plan your script and visuals. These story structure example videos show you what this could look like as a fully completed video:

Template project shots

When you use a template, we will pre-fill your project with shots to film as well as a brief filming guide and suggested script/interview questions.

There are four types of shots that Wrappt templates use.

Speaking shot - These are shots such as interviews or piece to cameras, where a subject appears on screen to deliver a line or answer a question.

Action shot - This describes any live action, non-speaking shots. 

Screen record - This is used to show footage captured from your computer or mobile device.

Voice over - Submit a regular clip into these types of shots and the audio will be used to play your voice over the top of the video.

The colour of a template shot will show you where it will appear in the story structure.

For info on how to get started using projects, click here.

Choosing a template

To get started using templates in Wrappt:

  1. Go to the 'Templates' tab
  2. Use the dropdowns to filter by business objective and video type
  3. Select a template to view an overview of its story structure and shots
  4. Click 'Use template'.
  5. Complete your video strategy, or click 'Skip and finish' to leave blank. Once finished, press 'save and continue'
  6. You will then enter project view, with prefilled shots and an example reference video  
  7. If you click on a shot, you'll be provided with video tips, filming instructions and (if applicable) an example script or interview questions 
  8. To add any additional shots, hit 'Add shot'
  9. To reorder your shots, click and drag the squares in top right corner of the shot

You're now ready to add your footage and files.

What's next?

Creating custom templates

With Wrappt, you also have the ability to create your own custom templates , designed by you for all your organisation's users to work off.

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